Going, Going, Gone? GNot!


Kali’s first ‘outside’ of the day. Hubby took her out around 11 last night and proclaimed it was snowing. I took her an hour later and it was just wet. (We are late night people so Kali is too.) This morning at 9:30 there was snow on everything.


See all the brown? Snow goes away quickly where the quail get fed. Oh, and Kali isn’t looking at the car. There is a quail still finishing up and two seconds later she is attempting flight. For walkers, quail CAN fly away quickly. Kali hasn’t quite mastered it even though her huge ears are flapping.


If you can see her please give her a bit of privacy, please. I couldn’t see the screen of my phone the sun was so bright so I didn’t realize she was in the middle of the picture.


Front yard. Look at that sky!

So Father Winter isn’t quite finished with us but Spring Sun has it melted by noon. But more clouds means he’s not finished for the day. At least the temps are not so cold anymore.