Archive for April 14, 2017

#A to Z Challenge–L

I have to most amazing offspring. I love sitting around with any one of them and chatting. This week I get to do a lot of this. The Last adult-offspring came to visit me yesterday and will be taking me back to her place this coming week to visit with family and friends there.

The best thing in life, besides my awesome offspring, is Long road trips with Loved ones. Here is a picture of what we saw on our way home. That one cloud looked almost like a tornado or hurricane. Huge and all the way to the ground. Yet, as you can see blue skies all around us.


Yet the ground was semi-dry and Hubby said that the weather had been rather nice at home. Wierd! More road-tripping tomorrow, YAY!!!


This is part of the #AtoZChallenge. Brought to you by the letter ‘L’!


And of course K means:


This little sweet Kali who has a visitor–her MommaLaura, my daughter! So we are both happy. Kali can’t decide who she is going to sleep with tonight. Tomorrow she get to see the vet to get updates on shots and get her nails clipped. Then we will go looking for a doggy run for her so that when days are nicer weather she can stay outside safely sometimes.

Oh. K is also for Knit.

Here is the latest hat finished.



The hat has a sun brim. Next is the sock I am STILL working on. knitting with thread on a small gauge loom takes forever! The next is another hat with the Andalusian stitch, another fine gauge that is taking forever. The doll needs a hat and a face but nearly finished.

Busy days ahead. Hope to be able to hit here. Looking forward to fun times with family and friends!



Come join the fun but joining the #A to Z Challenge


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