
Would you rather live where it is always hot or always cold?

Hot. I have learned to like the snow but I prefer hot so I can swim. I miss swimming so much! Here we have a dry heat so all we need even when it is triple digits, is just a fan, a swamp cooler might be nice but we got along okay last summer on just fans. Now to find a pool.

Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself? 

I prefer long hair because I can put it up in a pony or bun if it gets hot. Short hair just takes too much upkeep as it starts growing.

What is your favorite month of the year?

July. August starts getting too hot and June isn’t warm enough. I have learned to like other seasons now, but warm doesn’t hurt like the other seasons.

What is the easiest way for your to learn something new?  By reading, by seeing and doing, in a classroom?

I wish YouTube had been around for most of my life. I love being able to watch someone do something and then follow through doing it too. It is how I learned my loom knitting. I do well with written instructions but with my tracking problem only getting worse I think watching and being able to rewind and watch over and over helps a lot.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Sometimes a person just has to be grateful for breathing in and out and then see through a calm mind all the good in their lives, family, friends, a roof over my head, plenty to eat and drink, puppy and kittens–and I don’t mean Zombies for those that watch Z Nation.

I have a bunch of books from the e-library that came in so I look forward to reading those and finishing my Bate’s Motel binge. I didn’t realize how much I was going to like it. It isn’t like Psycho, all horror. It is seeing the crazy in that whole town of folks with some really good ones mixed in.

Thank you, Cee, of Cee’s Photography, for setting up some really good prompt questions. Please check out her site, it is fantastic!