
When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?

Alone or not, and as often as I can get by with it I am barefoot. Our yard is full of rocks and sticker so I do wear my sandals (or Crocs) out there, and most everywhere from the time of 40 degrees and upward. In the winter socks with or without Crocs.

What was your favorite food when you were a child?

Grilled cheese sandwiches. Still a favorite, pizza wins if there is a contest but I could live on on GCS.

Are you a listener or talker?

That depends on how comfortable I am–Really scared shuts me down. Somewhat uncomfortable I talk too much. With good friends and family, I think I can give and take with the best of them.

Favorite thing to (pick one):  Photograph?  Write? Or Cook?

Write. I hate cooking and am allergic to cameras of any kind. Loom knitting is starting to take over my passion for writing or making music but it will eventually calm down and I’ll find my balance.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

So grateful to have lived through another month of weather weirdness. But seeing that there is hope of Spring ahead. We are starting to leave windows open during the day! WooHoo!!!!! Oh, the bear that was supposed to be finished Monday? I ran out of yarn and had to get creative (donated yarn has no labels so don’t know how much I have. And this new pattern had me tinking and even frogging to get what I have. Tomorrow I will sew him/her together and tell the fantasy and real story behind him/her. I’d show a picture but, guts and things–yech!

Sorry to be a day late on this. Share Your World is the baby of Cee of Cee’s Photography.