Because of this:


I had to wear these:


(Far too many rocks outside to go barefoot.)  But that resulted with this:


TANNED TOES!!!! The only tan I have had in years!!!! By the way, taking pictures of one’s feet is not easy!

So goodbye bare feet and tanned toes. Wearing socks in the day and shoes outside. Ugh!

And all the fun I had this summer. These crazy kids:Michele and Yve and me

Got to visit and loom-knit/crochet and CHAT in the same rooms rather than over the internets. That was so fun! The one on the right came up to see me a couple times! Oh, and my hair is very short now. Hope I don’t freeze in the winter!


I love these ladies to pieces!


The above tree has no more leaves now.



The driveway has more leaves now and the above trees are far yellow-er.


And this currant bush is showing beautiful colors.

It is getting cold at night. Days get to the 60s when we’re lucky but we are back to the faucets dripping at night to prevent frozen pipes. The poor turkeys’/chickens’ water is frozen when we wake in the morning.

The saddest thing is I didn’t get to swim at all this summer. 😦