I want to thank Linda G. Hill for her inspiration! Today’s prompt is Eco.

The prompt sent me to the internet. I found


The definition goes on and on. Check it out here.  As I studied that I realized that I was upset. Why, if we want people to embrace feminism do make everything so hard to read for the normal person? I remember when I first started reading about feminism I could find nothing simple to read or understand. Sure I understand the word, but if you want ALL humans to get it and the average person has a reading level of 7th or 8th grade, why make your assertions college level. Good, you made it to college but we need to boil it down so that a person who is reading casually might not have to look up every other word to make sure they know what is being said.

I think it was Feminine Mystique that I tried to read when I was pre-marriage, pre-kids that wore me out.  I came from a traditional family so all I could see what how snooty these women were and the only way that information would get to the common person it needed to be watered down.

Look. Here’s what I know now. As a stay-at-home mom, I thought I was saving money on a lot of levels. I figured that I birthed them I ought to care for them. And child-care was/is more expensive than any job could pay me. So I followed my heart. Now at retirement, I make less than half the SSI than my ex-husband. How was/is that fair? If you are a stay-at-home mom right now make sure you stuff away money for your retirement. Have your own bank account. Don’t touch the money even if you have a family emergency.

Honestly, I don’t know how I would have done any differently in my life. I love my children and loved raising them to be super adults. And what should I have done when I became a single mom, let my kids starve? Don’t take them to the doctors? Don’t make sure they have a roof over their heads? I didn’t drain the system. But the system drained me!  Take that EcoFeminism!