Sorry to be late to the party. Share Your World is a Monday thing. To learn more about it go to Cee’s Photography. She had a ton of challenges and fantastic photos to boot!


Do you prefer a bath or shower?

When I was younger this kind of situation would make me drool. Deep long baths are so soothing. But our clawfoot is sitting up on a platform about a foot and a half. Getting in is difficult. After a long soothing bath it is impossible to get out–for me. After pulling the shower curtain down with me, I decided against those long spa treatments. Now it is a quickie in the small bathroom over the sink or a quick shower. UNTIL my shower in the small restroom is completed. Hopefully by the end of this week. Then showers become my second favorite.

What do you do to make a living or during the day? If you are retired what mostly occupies your day? Or if you are a student what are you studying?

Retired means finding your own rhythms and desires. If you have money that is a limitless dream. But on SSI it is tight. Still, I spend my days making comfort items for charities with donated yarns. Mostly I loom knit. I’m learning to do some needle felting. I spend some time on four languages on Duolingo. And I write and edit previous writings of 12 or 13 books. And lots of reading and binging on Netflix.

Is there a stuffed animal in your bedroom?

Since I do my knitting in my bedroom, this is an example of the stuffed animals in my bedroom. Or does the always hungry Rosey count as stuffed?

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I think getting back into my blogging and getting to meet new people or learning more about my blogging friends has filled my heart with joy. You all are fantastic!