Saturday is a different animal in the Just Jot It January fun, Saturdays are always, Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Still, both prompts and rules can be found on Linda G. Hill’s website. Come join us with your own versions!

I went to the library today. It is not a thing in other areas I’ve lived in that I get two calls in a week, from the librarian just checking up on me. I had nothing checked out so there was no other reason. So on this second call, I knew I ought to go show my face. I love our little library and the librarian. It is the knowledge center of our tiny community. We have a lot of churches here, but no bars or other places of gathering. The library is it! So after a delightful chat with the few that were there and her majesty Julie, I decided to check out a few picture books and a book that looks like I could read it.

That is the book I reached for to pick the sixth, seventh, and eight word as the prompt suggests. I didn’t want to use the beginning of the book. I just opened where it fell and found on page 133 of Bittersweet by Susan Wittig Albert. The words were: “the sound of”. The next word is gunshots but I thought that would be cheating so I won’t follow that path.

Because the newest Pirates of the Caribbean is on Netflix we are watching our set of four DVDs before watching the new. We have the first three fairly well memorized so I often find I get napful.  So I drifted off to sleep to the sound of “Why is the rum gone?” and the marvelous music by composer Klaus Badelt and producer Hans Zimmer … That is the thing that pulls me in on these films. I love the stories and the actors but the music… It is my music of choice when writing. During NaNo when most things are distractions, especially music with words, I can go to Pandora and put on Pirates or Game of Thrones music and write for hours. It gives me energy and excitement.