Complete this sentence: I’m looking forward to….

Though the circumstances are rather sad (their father is very ill and they need to move him closer) I will get to see my offspring this week end as they move my oldest in to live with us. There goes my music/hobby room but I mostly work here in my bedroom. The piano will move into the living room. Even so I look forward to seeing everyone even for so short a time. Just praying the snow isn’t a problem. We’ve had weeks of fairly nice weather but the news is predicting winter weather in the next few days. After they are all safe and sound in their own homes the weather can do what it wants.

What is your favorite comfort snack food? 

With the stress of my ex being ill and worrying with my kids about their father and the next steps, I have been craving Pringles. Luckily there are none here so not able to binge. Yay! Me!

What was one of your first moneymaking jobs (other than babysitting or newspaper delivery)?

Well, that is the main thing I did as a teen and young adult. I have a lot of cousins so I was always babysitting. My first real job was as a cosmetologist. If it hadn’t been so painful for my back I would still be doing that as I loved the creativity of working with hair.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I shared yesterday the Heart to Heart answer to I can’t: “Show me the hard part.” These words not only can help a young child, but I think it meets the frustration in all of us.

Share Your World is the brain child of Cee’s Photography. Thanks!