Archive for January 31, 2018


What a joyous January! <—Wednesday’s 1-Liner


This was an especially wonderful day. There was a meeting of the Hat Huggers. The chairperson rattled off how many charities our comfort items went to. It was very impressive.

Here is where I get to shine my nails on my chest. (And if I can’t on my blog where can I?) After the meeting our chairperson told me that the sheriff was very impressed with my stuffed animals and dolls. They were able to release them here locally to children in need and could I make lots more? I felt flattered but more, I felt I am useful. When you are in pain you wonder. But my distraction from the pain is going to a very good cause. I leave January happy. <—Jot

It has been a lot of fun participating in Just Jot It January. I hope I can keep up with writing every day. Having a one word prompt helps keep me writing. Thank you, Linda G. Hill!

From JJiJ’s fearless leader to those who participated.

January 31st is almost at an end here at my house, so I feel I can safely say Just Jot it January 2018 is in the bag. We did it!

Huge congratulations to all of you who managed to post every day. It’s quite the feat! And even if you jotted something down every day but didn’t post it, you still completed the challenge; JusJoJan is all about the writing, not necessarily the blogging.

I’d like to give a special shout out to our kind providers of the Daily Prompts. Your help was much appreciated! All titles are clickable links. Check out any you missed!

Drama, by Ritu – January 1st
Boisterous, by Dan – January 2nd
Passionate, by Rosemary – January 4th
Memories, by Cage (no post) – January 5th
Indelible, by Ruth – January 7th
Pants, by pensitivity – January 8th
Coffee, by Barbara – January 9th

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