What would be your ideal fantasy way to spend Monday?

With all that has been going on with moving in my son, today we took the dog for a walk. It was fun to chat and stroll. Perfect Monday.

What one person that you are out of contact with would you like to say thank you to?

My grandmothers and aunts. Every one of them gave me gifts to be grateful for. My maternal grandmother was a spitfire a tiny giant. My paternal grandmother (who I think I look like most) a warm hospitable woman with a sense of humor that lasted far past her Alzheimer’s. My maternal aunts who taught me to knit, crochet, sew, and to want and love children. I think of them every day! My paternal aunts, one inspired my desire to learn German and encouraged me in ways I didn’t even realize until I got older. Another of my paternal aunts feels near all the time. Her sense of humor, like her mother’s and love that just never ended. Her daughter shines the same love.

There are so many other aunts and ALL my wonderful cousins–What you wanted ONE person? Can’t narrow it down!

Oh, and we haven’t started on friends… If this wasn’t so public I would mention each and every one. I love you all!

List your favorite toys or games as a kid?

Swimming pool. Does that count? Okay, pogo-stick, jacks, twirling on the bars at school, swinging, oh how I miss swinging. Hula hoop, biking, wiggle-waggle board, BOOKS,oh, and swimming. Other things I loved are pictured above.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

Going through all the pictures of the games and toys made me smile. Thinking of my awesome life makes me smile.

Thank you Cee for this fun way to explore our worlds. Check out her site: Cee’s Photography.