Blogging has always been a part of me. Like the newspaper I tried to print when I was a kid.

Like all the Dear Diaries I attempted to write.


Then the internet came along. I tried several times from Prodigy on to have a blog.


But just like way back with the toy printing press, I never know what to say. Linda G. Hill has always had cool prompts to get my brain going. Just like Just Jot It January. There is something to write about every day.

What can I say? I think I like ‘journaling’ so that I can go back in time and see what was going on way back then. It is why I do book and movie reviews. I rarely write about the literary content. I try to include how it affected my life or how my life affected my interpretation of the book.

Same here. Except purer. A prompt can get the writing started. Writing is the aim. Fiction or non-fiction. Write. Writing is often lonely. Blogging brings friends. It’s a chance to share our intimate thoughts and find others who think in the same way.


The next question is how I came up with my theme. I’m unsure if this is the background that the words are on or the name and aim of the blog. The background is so I can read it with the least amount of eyestrain. I like the colors. As for calling it


Musings about Havenverse
As one of my commentators stated, Darswords looks like Dar swords. And my reply was about the word is mightier than the sword. My inner thought on that is I need some swordier words!
Haven is the sentient planet that about 90% of the books that I have written for NaNoWriMo have been about. I need to get my books edited and out for folks to read. My possibilities list included getting busy editing. The blog is keeping that goal front and center.
How has blogging changed my life? I have met some cool people out in the blogosphere. Support overflows the nets as people drop by personal blogs and connect. I wouldn’t have met such great people had I not gone to their blogs and learned about their lives. So much better than Dear Diary, today I breathed in and out. Imagine if someone would have picked up that diary and asked me questions about the rest of my day or how did those breaths feel. Did the air feel cold or steamy as I respiration? Could it be there is boredom in living inside one’s head and not having the chance to explore what you might not have thought of on your own? That’s what blogging has meant to me.