Archive for January 5, 2019




“Nah, it’s winter. How’s the soup?”

‘SIP’ “Sipped”

“And the bread?”

‘SLURP’ “Sopped.”

“The tab?”

Diner leaves the cafe quickly and shouts, “SEP!”

Waiter shouts back, “What’s that mean?”

Teen on a cell nearby mumbles, “Somebody Else’s Problem.”

You can find others using this theme once you check in on Linda G. Hill’s site. Some are far more clever than mine.

How about a few knitted projects to add some visual interest?

Loomed mostly flat-wrap knit with e-wrapped portions.


Needle knitted



Both sets loom knitted. I think this was a Loom a Hat pattern. It was so easy and I loved these slippers so much I almost kept them. They were SO soft. I think someone will love them as much as I did.



I love making these tiny comfort dolls. It is one of Loom a Hat’s patterns I have memorized so that I don’t have to read a pattern or watch YouTube.


My ADD Saturday Stream is taking me to the next binge. UnReal on Hulu. I hate reality shows. First of all, you know they aren’t, right? Real, I mean. This show gives ideas as to how unreal these shows are. Yet this show has interesting writing. I like how the topics are current and addressed in creative, if not, horrible ways. Have you watched it? What did you think?

Oh, and yesterday I started on the Better Call Saul. Funny, mostly.

I watch UnReal with my husband as we seek something interesting while TV goes on hiatus. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I watch in the living room during the day and my brother and son join me. Shows I really like, the guys don’t, so when I need alone time I’ll pull out a feminist movie and watch them all seek out their own entertainment. If I need more bodies in the living room to keep it warm put on a guy show. Crazy how that works! 😉

The wind is blowing in a storm. We are expecting snow tomorrow. The noise outside is crazy! I expect to see a witch riding a bicycle by the window at any moment. I took poor Kali out a while ago and she nearly crashed into the door as I tried to hold it open against the gale. Hey. Have you noticed that? Dorothy Gale got taken in the tornado!

Okay, it’s late enough that the stream of consciousness is overpowering me. Flood of consciousness more like.


There is not a word more enigmatic than enigmatic. It is a mystery to me how this word even exists. I know I have run across it in my reading. Obviously, I know what it means. But it is a word I rarely use and I rarely hear others using.  But that is the prompt word provided by Virgobeauty. It certainly a word worth looking into and practicing a bit.

I was looking for a picture but there were far too many on Google images. Look it up for some fantastic pictures to represent the enigmatic word.

On another topic, I’ve been binging again. My son bought the whole series of Breaking Bad. I’ve been going through all the seasons for the past couple weeks. It was way better than I thought it could ever be knowing the plot. And it didn’t rate with my fem entertainment requirements as females were only support. But that could be solved if they could make a series about the women of the show. Those were very strong women.

Tomorrow I will talk about the other binge.

Well, this enigmatic blog is ready for bed. Good Night all!

#JustJotItJanuary brought to us by Linda G. Hill


Petualang Baru

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