What is all this? These are some of my mementos of Christmas 2018.

One of my friends (and I have some fantastic friends, just saying) had a cute idea this year. She decided that it would be fun to send me “Advent” presents. I don’t think I have had this much fun in December in a long, long time!

When you live in such a rural place that there isn’t door-to-door delivery, mail seems to become even more exciting. UPS does come straight to the house but other forms we have to drive to the post office to pick up.

Anyway, the first box included the first week and a half so that my birthday present was in it. Only on that box could I open more than one package. Woo-hoo!

Look, this is what was the best about this. My friend had to keep down costs. She’s on a fixed income like me. So for a while, she picked up goodies that were very inexpensive, you know like sales items or Dollar Store kinds of things.

I don’t know why but I nearly cried every day as I opened the proper present. Even for the cute little plastic frog or the heart-shaped pencil sharpener. There were some more expensive items. My pal said even those were bargains. That lovely fan, the fragrant sachets, the soft socks (two pairs), pattern books (four including crochet, and knitting), two small canvases for painting on, a cute purple picture frame, a couple tablets (journals) with pens, a glow in the dark wand, silly putty, play dough, a bottle of bubbles, a rock she actually painted (so adorable!), did I mention the little candle, chocolate, a tiny wonderful jar of Nutella, soft yarn, Magic Sniff a small container of tissues, a pen that says “I’m a Beautiful Snowflake a dolphin bookmark. I hope I got it all in this list.

At any rate, as good as it made me feel to open something every day, I think I may want to follow her lead and start doing this for her and other loved ones. It was truly the gift that keeps on giving, at least for 25 days.

I was thinking this might be a fun thing to do for elder friends and family. Heck, they probably already have all they need but stuck at home or in the rest home or hospital, etc. This process of opening a little something helps one to feel the love. And I can store these in a small box so it doesn’t make it hard to decide where to store everything. The only things not in the box are the chocolate and the Nutella. They disappeared within! 😀

Christmas was fun all around for me.  These momentoes will be in my heart and I feel loved.

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for Just Jot It January. Thank you, Tara, for a chance to use the prompt, Memento.