I don’t know why but this prompt is bringing this ole castor bean back up. I don’t have time to go look it up (I did anyway!) but I’m sure if I’m wrong someone will let me know. It is something my dad use to pull around us kids. He’d asked what the name of the great falls was. Yeah, we knew the job was dangerous when we took it.

Answer: (Just get it over with) Niagra Falls.

(I can hear every baby boomer out there already reciting.)

Dad: Niagra Falls. (He’d look at as with crazy eyes.) Slowly I turned. (he’d turn and walk slowly toward us) Step by step.

By now we are over trying to be cool and giggling nearly uncontrollably. Dad was the sense of humor in our house, in our church, at work, everywhere. I do miss him.

By the way, I believe that was from the Three Stooges.

I couldn’t resist. I had to look it up. And look what I found!



What was that all about? Ah, those crazy people in the fifties!

Hopefully, by now, you’ve heard the prompt a bunch of times. “Inch by inch.”

Jot It and Prompt: Thanks, John!

By the way, if you copy and paste that middle one into your browser it should bring up YouTube with Abbott and Costello. I don’t know why it didn’t just form here–and maybe it will and my computer is just being weird, again.