
‘What are the Zoomies?’ I asked when I saw this prompt. So I looked it up. Here’s what I found on Chewy.com. Kali has done that a few times. Mostly when the cats start it.

Teddy will scratch the furniture. I think when my daughter was Kali’s mommy she would reprimand her cat so Kali assumed that was something she could take on herself.

Teddy is the youngest of our furries but this is his go-to position. He gets really grumpy if you wake him. He has taken on the Garfield attitudes. In fact, every night when we feed the wet food to all three, he needs to be picked up and brought to his food.

He was wiggling to get down to said food.

I’ve shared pictures of Rosy and Kali more often.  Just a quick reminder:

She is a mixture of regal and ready to grab your every attention.

Kali is always attached to my body somehow or in my face. That may be why I have more pictures of her.

Anyway, so the two old ladies, Rosey and Kali think they are the bosses of Teddy. Poor guy. So when he attempts to scratch the furniture Kali will jump off my lap to go chase him and then Rosey will join in and there will be a blurry elephant race around the living room, hallway, kitchen, and bedroom. I say elephant because as floppy-soggy as they are on our laps, they can make the biggest thumping noise. It seems like they’re having fun. Most of the time the ‘bitch-slappers’ aren’t brought out. Rosey’s polydactyl ones are scariest. Kali has learned to respect those paws.

So, I assume Zoomies aren’t just something dogs get as all three seem to get them. Kali will run like crazy outside but it is usually bush to bush trying to find that perfect spot. But it’s a blurry furry mess as they run around like crazies. Most of the time it is all three going for it. Then they assume their previous positions. Sleeping more than likely.

Thanks, Linda! Thanks, Bee!