I had no idea what I was going to write about tonight. But I wanted to because I’m getting rather used to writing something every day.

So I took a few pics of Kali. When all else fails Pictures!

She loves it when I give her hugs or when I whisper sweet nothings in her ears. She will sit for a long time enjoying that one on one attention. She is so sweet!

When she isn’t attached to me, I am knitting. Here’s my newest accomplishment: Red hats for February.

And I’m learning to make little socks!

Had enough of that thinner yarn to make another little infant hat.

It is still cold here and another storm is expected this weekend through next Wednesday. Kali and I are happy that the porch and the bottom of the steps are not icy or snowy.

Chair Yoga continues. I’m not making a lot of progress but with Fibro, I’m happy to do the exercise every day without adding more pain. And now my husband is pulling up a chair and we work out together! 😀

I finished True Blood. It wasn’t nearly as scary as I thought it would be. In fact, I found it a bit silly at times. I hate finishing a series as then I flounder trying to find something else for pain distraction. Today I watched Knowing I think it was on Showtime. It was really good!

How’s your Thursday?