Since I can’t remember what projects I haven’t shared here I think I’ll show some that are in the making.

What the H#$%^&? Those are two fish and the fins and that gray in the back maybe a fish not stuffed and no eye.

A try on the purple sock loom, just following the directions from the box for the His and Hers Sock Loom.

Three little hats for the comfort dolls. They didn’t work with the doll (wrong size or yarn or color) waiting for dolls that will be compatible. The dolls are a great way to use up yarn scraps. Here’s how I learned to make the dolls and the hats:

Another knitted hat using circular needles. I can’t decide what color I have around here for the crown so I just let it sit until it hits me. A friend gave me the pattern. You can probably find it online somewhere. It is basically Brim K1P1 for about 2 inches. Then just knit until hat measure 6-61/2″ Closing is also somewhere on the nets. The bit of texture is where I did a row using continental rather than the usual right hand knit. It helps my hands to alternate.

My second attempt at the ten-stitch afghan. I use one strip from the Martha Steward loom knit kit (I found mine for $14  but I can’t remember where) that has 12 holes and I only put in 10. Yes, her looms don’t come up to the standards I think she holds. The pegs can fall out so it takes a lot of patience. I’m using GoodKnitKisses method.

By the way that afghan is boring and it may still be frogged and I’ll try not to double the yarn and see if I can make it softer.

Another ombre brown/tan hat on a KB loom. See that Kirkland Animal Crackers container? It was full of this yarn. It makes such soft hats that I’m trying to make a lot of them for the cancer patients. This one is just the knit stitch with the bottom pulled back onto the loom for the brim. It seemed that would make it softer and warmer than other brims.

And last but not least:

The socks I have been trying to make for my brother for over two years. I’m using the metal pegged KB sock loom my friend gave me last year. Finally, it is starting to look like a sock! BUT see that mess of yarn? That is because Rosey keeps finding this kit and bringing it to us as a kitty gift. She can drag half her weight down the hall yelling out how she has a present for us. This time the yarn started to escape. I fixed it after taking the picture. Now I need to find a way to get this done and keep it out of her sight. The instructions for this knitting board is on a DVD that comes with the kit. It’s pretty easy after you get the hang of it. Notice how many little socks I’ve made in learning how.

Which project will get finished first? Or will I find something else I want to try more? Stay tuned. You can ask: ADD much? And you’d be right.