***SHIVER AND SHAKING😟*** I just posted my first chapter of Haven on this site.

If any of you have time to read it, and comment (kindly, please) please do so. Ask what questions it leads your mind to. If you see glaring problems let me know. This was originally written in 2002 as a “NaNo” I started between Ides of April and Ides of May. And finished it in November 2002 and started Haven II to reach 50K for that month. (No the part I wrote in spring didn’t count in the wordage.)

This is the beginning of a series that was nearly telepathically told to me by the sentient planet, Herself, Haven. I haven’t heard much from her lately so my last few NaNos haven’t included Her. But I think She is tapping her virtual toes to get me working on them to share what She wants to be known.

If you want more the whole first book is on Wattpad.