Woke up this morning to this through my bedroom window. Still snowing.

So I ran around the house with my phone taking pictures of snow. I love it. I’m sad that winter chose now to show up. But I’ll take it

From back porch looking east. Chicken pen, wheelbarrow, water spout, and porch rail.

Driveway looking west.


Front yard looking east. Notice guilt bushes are disappearing. 😀

From front porch toward the driveway.


Kali’s footprints from early morning already disappearing. She likes snow like I do. I need to get out and play but still hurting a lot so just letting my eyes enjoy the pretty.

Still snowing.


Played with the filters.

Look how much piled up on the rail in a couple hours.

Out front window this evening. Still snowing.

Same view with a filter.

From porch. Reflecting porch light. Still snowing.