The Sole With Soul

I don’t know why I made that title. Mostly to remind me of the prompt of the day. But it did make me see dancers. Yes, this one:

For seeing the sole of the shoe in the moonwalk dance during the Billie Jean performance brought me back to listening to popular music. The 70s were not nearly as exciting for me as the 60s so I had taken to just my few albums, ​33 1⁄3  if you please.

The next decade offered tons of wonderful music as one of my children noticed the Beatles and another the Cure and Depeche Mode and Queen I was happy to turn on the radio. The kids and I sang loudly!

Music plays a part in my soul at all times with such eclectic turns and extremes. From the forced piano lessons from ages 5-15, church music, singing non-stop even in my dreams, classic and even an occasional loud metal or rap. It’s all in there and always on.

As for the other picture in my mind for the prompt, and I hope I can find a picture that matches the one in my head, the dancing sole-fish:

Okay, I know it isn’t a sole fish, but he seems to be dancing with soul!



Thanks, Linda, for this fun challenge!