Today’s letter in the A-to-Z Challenge is F and the prompt for Stream of Consciousness is the word Fab used as part of a word or alone. Since I don’t see Fab as part of my story I’m writing, I’ll just stream a bit about how fabulous it has been to visit with my daughter and son today. They took off work yesterday, drove half the trip and stayed at a motel. They got here this morning It was windy which made getting out and enjoying the day outside nearly impossible. But Kali’s mommy took her out for a jog anyway. Kali was so happy and now is exhausted. By the way, my daughter was silly and wrote “Dorg” on the picture. LOL! We get to have breakfast with them before they take that long trip home. I’m so glad they got to come even for a short visit.


Meanwhile below is the first couple paragraphs I wrote in my CampNaNo project. Again, I went to a random word generator and picked up 20. But in the writing, I think I added more. Again, I know that this may sound confusing, like coming into a conversation not knowing much of anything. I just want to prove my combination of A2Z and CampNaNo. This book seems to be pulling from all the books about Haven I’ve done so far.

Finally after eating Dusty remembered. “I forgot to tell you that the spin and orbit of Haven have changed. We think that may be one factor why everything isn’t functioning at full force.” She glanced at the end of the table and noticed that Henry (Judy’s husband) seemed to have his head in the bowl.

When he noticed everyone staring he wiped his face and smiled. “This soup is so full of flavor!”

Robert (Anna’s husband) and Adam (Beth’s husband) laughed. “I don’t know how you stay so thin! You are eating all the time!” Robert said. “I have to watch my girlish figure!” Again the three laughed. They had been friends from the very beginning. They were half of the original six. Robert had known Anna back on Earth and they reconnected quickly. Henry, Anna’s brother, connected with Judy. Judy was the botanist and zoologist, a very serious scientist. Henry was funny. Smart and interested in everything, but funny. Judy needed that. The six were as faithful to their spouses as they were to each other. They all pursued their own intellectual passions so that when they were with their mates their time was fresh, new, exciting. They were family. There were no favorites, they worked to keep it fair.

Dusty held up her finger and the group quieted. They knew they had work to do. They just needed to figure it out. One thing was for sure, they weren’t going to leave it to fate. Still, as they sat there in human form, they realized that without being enhanced by Haven, by gene-poppers this would be a useless cause. One they would be sure to fail. They knew the first thing to do. They gathered out on the grass and held hands. There was a fraction of a second they thought they hadn’t factored in how different Earth was from Haven. But that thought didn’t last long. Suddenly there was the sound of a full freight train moving through. The temperature rose to the point they each thought they had a fever. Then they heard the voice. Dusty, Jade, and Mary had heard it in the cavern on Haven, Earth was speaking to them. Dusty indicated that they all change form, to dragon-up. They all knew that they would hear and understand Earth better telepathically as dragons.


Lots more to write before I sleep. Hope you had a great Saturday, full of fab fun!