Guess we need to gather our guest some grub!”

Milo and Zella took Ora to meet the new administrator the next day. That was how he met her at his door. His greeting was pleasant enough. He made the grand gourmet gesture but the gloom in his eyes as he glared from Milo to Zella proved he still held a grudge against the ones he thought to cause the uprising.

A guard stood nearby with a gun in his gloved hand. The two had gotten his goat more than a few times since. They could see him grind his teeth. His goal seemed apparent that he would prefer the death of these two. Yet he seemed to like the new person they had brought him.

In general, he thought of himself as a good person. He had nothing to gain by killing anyone. But he’d grown up here. He was genetically guaranteed to inherit this position. And wasn’t that what this whole experiment was all about? The best, most pure humans. Not gutter rats like these and their crazy offspring. They should all be sent out to graze in the meadows like the other beasts.

Ora was glad that she wasn’t in the gown she wore to Xeno. At least right now this guy was treating her with some sort of respect. But she saw how he looked at Milo and Zella. She heard the hate for Daniel. Why hadn’t their first try to educate this world worked? But the silence was a clue that she should speak. “Thank you, Mr. Administrator, sir. The meal looks delicious!”

“You may call me George. George Goodman. And it is customary to meet our new members with sustenance. We know that many have been scattered out through the wilderness and need food before they could possibly be the useful citizen needed in this society.


Those were the first few paragraphs in today’s CampNaNo writing. As my plan to follow as best I can the A-to-Z blogging and try for 50,000 words during the month of April. At last count, I have 10,343 I need 11,662 before the end of the day. Sometimes I cheat and include blogs and reviews and journals to pad the count. Often those things help and I can move them into parts of yWriter that don’t end in the count as soon as I have more story words. I don’t really consider it cheating as the point of this is the writing and writing as fast as you can without editing at the moment. You can go back and take care of big obvious spelling or grammar (will that count as a G word?) errors but it is best to lock the editor in a cell and at the end of the month or even later let him out for good. This month the story made me join the Camp folks and it promised it had the words. So as the gullible ghostwriter for Haven‘s newest story (Haven in 3D–not available yet) I relinquish control and just type. (Seems once I get started I can’t stop on some letters. Not looking forward to X).

If any of this sounds like fun for you, any of the underlined weblinks or even the pictures will take you to the places to get started. Now back to writing furiously!