Just a joke, I tell you! I jest!” Adam called. “Uncle, already!”

“You know we can’t resist when you take yourself so seriously most of the time.” Robert ceased knuckling their friend’s head”

“Speak for yourself, Robert. I joke around all the time and you don’t go all judge and jury on me! Where’s the justice? Are you jealous?” Henry smiled but was serious.

“Yes. You both have a purpose I’ve yet to find. Henry, you may jaw a lot, but It is for the purpose of keeping the peace or lifting the mood. Adam, you designed the structures on Haven and became quite useful to Her. I seem to be here merely to help Anna. And she still seems a bit depressed and still holding on to quite a lot of guilt.”

“Welcome to the jungle. We three do have the awesome job of joy. Our jewels of wives are the main leaders of Haven. She wanted it that way. And it has gone quite well for all of us. Okay, it is our turn in the great scheme of things that we jump how high according to our mates. Women did that for ages. We, also, get to see what jail they had to live in. And we reap the joys as they accomplish what we couldn’t here on Earth and on Haven. Any jam we get in, we are saved by the women. Look we don’t have to justify our lives. We were chosen by Haven for these ladies. And now Haven has sent us here. She knows we need our adventures, too.” Henry was always the voice of reason when he wasn’t cracking jokes.

Robert was the most mature of the three. But he’d been depressed for a while. He loved these guys like brothers. Which, in a sense, they were. The first three men to be awakened on Haven. As such they chose the jurisdiction of the joint. While Adam may have been the architect, Robert and Henry became the brawn to follow through and get the buildings set up for their town. Each helped the newly awakened get set up in new homes. Each lent their voices to the group songs. Robert tried to pull in his mood and try to remain positive. Adam was the target of Robert’s misplaced reason for living.


That was the first scene from yesterday’s Camp NaNo project, Haven in 3D a sequel to my first novel Haven that you can find on the WattPad page in its entirety or here the first three chapters.  My current wordage is: 16,709. The bolded words are part of the J words I used for the A-to-Z Challenge. I like having prompts to write.

While I’m in over my head in writing I know there is a world out there. What have you been doing? What’s happening in your world? Weatherwise we are windy, cloudy and expecting snowy rain. I’m sorry if you live in the midwest with the snownado. Be safe and warm!