Here’s yesterday’s first scene in the fun of the A-to-Z Challenge.


“Come in. I was just setting a kettle for tea. What’s up” Judy was used to working. Even on Haven, when Haven was there, she preferred doing for herself as much as she could. She thought all the wishing for things was a killer in disguise. People need work to grow.

“Have you heard from the guys? It is so much harder to stay centered down here. I don’t hear telepathic messages as often. How are we supposed to stay sane in here, knowing Haven is in danger, knowing our friends and family are out there. I’m getting a knot in my stomach from the worry.”

“Chamomile for you, dear.” Judy laughed. “I’m kidding. I do worry, now, too. I do think the key to this is to keep ourselves as open as possible and meditate several times a day. We had gotten out of practice out there.”

Rather than sit at the table while waiting for the teapot to whistle, Anna and Judy kneeled and then sat in the lotus position and held hands. They didn’t know what they didn’t know until they were quiet and knew. Anna nearly kicked Judy in getting up so fast. “Haven is in trouble. Enelrad can’t land here. I wish she hadn’t left again.”

“At least we know that the guys are okay. Henry says they found the group in the cave. They are all happy and healthy and willing to help.” Judy kept her knitting kit next to her chair. While she waited she knitted. She covered her knees with a light-weight blanket, not for the draft, but to keep the yarn from going everywhere. Everyone in the cave had something made by Judy. They all wore them with pride. Others were now learning to make clothing or playthings. Keeping the hands busy helped them to stay focused on here and now, rather than lost in worry.

“Hey, I’m making some kidney bean soup. Would you take that knife and cut up the onions?” Judy knew that Anna needed something to do and cutting up vegetables seemed to help. Their kinship had been active since way back on the ship. Sisters of the planet. Judy loved her cave home. There was a king-size bed, and bookshelves full of everything from fairy tales to the Koran. She was even fond of her copy of ‘How to Kill a Mockingbird.’

By the way, my current word-count is: 18,510.

Have the planet becomes a human in Haven in 3D Here she is as Ora Ja Ja.

My first book, Haven can be found on WattPad. Or the first three chapters, on my site, here. I am gradually bringing the whole thing here. But right now writing Haven in 3D is taking up my time.

I have been needing to review one of my other books, Earth the Final Frontier. A lot of the characters from that book are in my current book. Is it wrong that I really like that book? I’m reading it as my night time read and yes, there are things I need to edit, but I am loving the adventure once again. I wish I could bring that excitement to all the books in the series.

By the way, Earth the Final Frontier has over 92K so it is taking me many nights of reading. Are there writers in my blogosphere that have a way to keep track of all the characters, where they’ve been what we left them doing, quirks, etc? I do have yWriter to keep track. I have an Excel spreadsheet but my eyes have troubles with looking at it. I almost think I need to write it all on a wall. Wish I had one I could use like that. I know before I publish these I will have to make a character list to go at the beginning or end of each book so no one gets lost.

Something like this would be wonderful!