Before I gave up trying to keep behind on the A-Z Challenge I did set this up within my story. I doubt I’ll be able to use CampNaNo with A2Z. It is already two or more days behind me.

By the way, my current word count is 23483. This is one of my favorite days of a NaNo project. Day 15. By the end of the day, I need 25K. Barring computer glitches which I don’t put past this stupid Acer, I will have it. Even with the Stupid Acer breaking, I can still get the words on my tablet, or Kindle. I could even write on paper. But then the stupid hand will break down. LOL! Though I love the feeling of writing cursive, there is no built-in spell-check, Grammarly, or word count. Or built-in pain reliever!

Without further ado, here is my crossover A2Z/CampNaNO couple of paragraphs from my work in progress, Haven in 3D.


Murdered? Henry saw the knife sticking out of each little chest. These small people were no bigger than the child he’d known in the bunker. What was her name? Lucy? Sarah? Henry sat on the floor. He asked: What can I do for them? Should I take out the knives, cover with dirt or mud, or myself? These people represent love. What can I do?

I’m rather new to something like this. Let’s try the mud idea until I can come up with something else. They aren’t of Earth or Haven, but Haven was able to save Earthlings. I need to try, with your help.

Henry, Robert, and Adam grabbed a bucket of water nearby and poured it into the dirt. Very quickly the dirt was saturated and the guys started covering the elves with the mud. Then for an added bonus, they lay down on the creatures just hoping that if it worked for them that it would work for the elves. But after five minutes they had to admit defeat.

I think it didn’t work like it did for you because they are already dead. You had merely passed out. I’m so sorry humans. Earth told them.


So, how many got to watch GoT last night? After binging a few days to refresh the last season, I was ready. In fact, after watching that episode where Dani’s dragon is killed, how many of you noticed how Jon’s pommel eye looked like it opened as Jon came out of the water? First time I ever saw that. I shouted at my husband and pointed it out. But research seems to point to it just being a shadow of Jon’s hand rather than another an Easter Egg or foretelling of more fantasy. Anyway, I loved the show last night. Can’t wait to see what happens this season. I’m so sorry to see it ended. It is so well-written, fun, and makes one think. All the things a good show should do. Thoughts?

Have a blessed Passover Week.