Once the strange moon rose above the Earth, the tribes stopped their dancing; observing the spectacle in unison caused a concerted cry of “Oh!”


This was the first line of the first scene I wrote today. The prompt from Linda G. Hill for One-Liner Wednesday seemed to be the moon. (I never saw the prompt.) Today’s A2Z letter, I think, is O. Sometimes less is more, but I like to mix it up, all the prompts at once. It makes a harder challenge, but I think it makes my writing more interesting. All this writing is for CampNaNo where I’m attempting to write 50,000 words by April 30th. My current word count is 26,710. The project I’m working on is Haven in 3D a sequel of my first book, Haven. Click on any of the blue underlined words if you want to know more about any of these subject.