So, I think I am getting my stride back. Without losing a second, here are my first few paragraphs from the first scene I’m writing tonight.


Seeing their counterpart joining each other and singing, the dragons did the same. Screeching, squealing, nearly screaming would more define the sound of the dragons but their riders were delighted. They pretended to conduct the trio into harmonics most humans would never tolerate. But the girls were thrilled. They too started singing in the most dissonant way. They could feel the vibrations between the bubbles ripping. They could hear each other better and better. Soon they could run to each other and swing their bodies onto the backs of their dragon friends, and they soared skyward wishing to never see this beach ever again.

Looking down onto the people on the beach they realized they couldn’t leave. They still needed to help humans save their elfish spacemen. They figured if they took the creatures to Haven, they could actually bring the elves back to life. So each dragon picked up the dead and blinked to Haven.

The second they landed on Haven they realized their mistake. Haven still wasn’t in charge, and the cousins’ mothers were still as dead.


Sorry to leave you on such a sad note. There is a promise that what we see isn’t so, but that needs to be worked out. Haven in 3D is the title and is a sequel of Haven the first book I wrote in 2001 and can be found on Wattpad.

I’m sorry if this is confusing. I know the story I’m telling, and even knowing the whole picture I am still working out the bits. Mostly I am trying to get out my 1,667 words a day to make it to 50K by the 30th of this month. I currently have 33,734. My goal is to hit today 36,652. CampNaNo is challenging to say the least!

The last few days have been horrid health-wise. My allergies and fibro are fighting for me to be sleeping 24/7 instead of having a working brain and tapping fingers. I’ve even started drinking coffee at night, and yet I sleep and not write!

Hopefully, you all had a good Holy Day/Easter. I have to admit that I’m glad I didn’t have eggs to boil and color or high energy kids jumping about. Been there, done that, t-shirt and all. Our neighbor’s chickens have been visiting lately so we have possible broods getting ready. I love his hens and the gorgeous rooster and our black and white speckled girls seem to like the company.

Look how much I wrote here! Why am I not getting that many words over in yWriter? (I’m doing okay. Just complaining. Sorry) Well, I won’t if I don’t get over there and continue typing! See ya all tomorrow!