I am trying to make sure I write a little more each day. I liked to write nearly two thousand words a day. But suddenly I don’t know what to write. Maybe I should write about the abduction of Clucky (All five chickens look the same and have no idea who is who). By the way, I wrote this yesterday.

It was early morning. Master David came out just after the sun to feed us. I thought it a bit early and I squawked it, but he doesn’t understand squat! We assumed he knew that it was okay to go outside. I thought it shivery. But around here it is hard to tell. So I decided to go out to the dust bowl of the front yard. I love to take my bath out there. It is easy to get caught up in the bath making the dust fly every which way.

Suddenly, something has me by the throat. At first, I thought it was too much dust. But no. I couldn’t breathe or even let the others know I was out there. I was dragged across the street. I know we aren’t supposed to go there but I was being dragged, no choice. It was just too much.

Finally, that chicken quit wiggling! Can I help it that my pups are hungry? I saw the open driveway and the dust flying about. No one saw this sweet chubby hen out there. She looked like breakfast to me. My pups won’t go hungry today. Can I help it that the Master didn’t shut the gate? Can I help it that the chicken lost feathers along the way? Not my problem. Pups gotta eat.

So a semi-true story in that I really don’t know what the coyote and chicken were saying, but I’d swear it if I needed to. The photos are from Pixaby. But the chicken looks like our chickens and the brush looks like our area. I didn’t see the coyote. I have seen them walking down the street. But didn’t witness this. It is all my imagination. Unfortunately, a chicken was killed. 😦