The Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “fall from the sky.” Write about anything that falls from the sky–real, imagined, or idiomatic. Have fun!

These are some of the scariest words for me. We can see the small airport from our front windows. Especially these early days of spring there are a lot of small planes touching down and taking off. I assume they are the crop-dusters for all the alfalfa fields around here. I hope what they are dumping from the planes is healthy for people, pets, and livestock. I would not want to see something fall from the sky this close to the runway.

There will be a time, unfortunately really soon, I will be happy if water or other fire retardant falls from the sky on any fires nearby. They are already doing a great bit of ‘controlled burns’.

The other things that seem to fall from the sky are eagles, hawks, and ravens. As long as they divebomb the nearby fields and get the mice or gophers or snakes, I don’t mind. But they are part of the reason the dog isn’t allowed to go out without us being nearby. Still, as long as they live their lives cleaning up the varmint nearby, they are fun to watch soaring high and gliding on the drafts.

One of the prettiest sights out here in the country is when it snows and those big fluffy snowflakes fall from the sky. But that season has passed (I think, I hope).

Gees, I never really thought about how scary the thing I love best about the desert, the sky, is. But then, it isn’t the sky that falls, unless you are Chicken Little. It’s all the rest that can give you an ulcer if you let it. Ah! Nature!

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is the brainchild of Linda G. Hill!