No this isn’t about Mamas and the Papas. Just couldn’t figure a good title for this small bloggy. Besides, bet that earworm took! 😀

I don’t have enough time to gather all the looms to do a Make-it Monday: Two sock-looms are in use, there are a few dolls I need to stuff and sew closed, a little hat for a doll on the littlest loom, a baby hat on the next bigger, all in process and nothing near finished product.

So, while knitting, binging, right? Tried Royal Pain but too flirty and not enough medical to keep my interest. I’ll try again later. Instead, I went for an old favorite that has added new seasons: Call the Midwife. I love that show. I miss Miranda (Chumie) but the newer cast is still sweet. One of the best parts of this show is following women and health issues over the past couple of centuries. If you were there at the beginning, there were few cars only bicycles. They even went through war.

I’m at about 1962 in a most recent episode. They talk about Kennedy and Cuba crises. So it isn’t just the women’s health it shows what else is going on in the world at the time. On the last episode, they showed the results of the drug given for morning sickness back then Thalidomide.

This show doesn’t hold back when it comes to things women have been through over the years. I do so wish the midwife was a more acceptable way for birth. My last two were homebirths so I have a love for that kind of birth. Don’t get me wrong. There is a good reason to have hospitals and doctors on hand, but I think the woman to woman care is missing for those who need to go to the hospital.

My second experience in the hospital were people running around yelling the phones were out. My first was a most uncomfortable affair with not the slightest care as to what I wanted or what baby and I actually needed. I studied a lot about being a midwife, but by the time I had babies three and four, I didn’t have the time or energy to go for it. So this show helps fulfill some of that. I find I love all the characters and how well they tell the story. And that music gets me going! I can guarantee that I will shed at least a tear with every viewing! This is a herstory that everyone should watch and maybe get the other side of history.