Linda’s prompt for this SoCS is Rosy. Which I am going to change to Rosey. You’ll see why. I hope.

In many parts of the country, we are experiencing a lag in the Spring-ness. It is so all-encompassing that this meme is showing up on our FaceBook feeds.

I say that because here is it windy and raining a LOT. The good part is that it might forestall fires. But the wind doesn’t and the rain comes with lightning, so– not so much. Anyway, I was forced to take the dog (Kali) out as is her way. I opened the screen door and the wind nearly tore it out of my hand. I nearly closed it on Kali and the wind had it again. Now I see this black creature climbing down the steps as Kali was climbing back up.

Rosey and Teddy are the indoor cats. Too many predators to let them be outside. So I ran down the steps in my socks and picked up Rosey.  She’s usually a sweetie and so cute, see:

But as I pick her up and tell Kali to go up and in the house, Rosey turns and does this to me:

I didn’t even know she drew blood until after I sat down. I was FaceTiming with friends and I showed them. They had me leave the conversation to clean it and treat it so it wouldn’t get infected.

Today as I was trying to finish a couple more dolls, Kali and Rosey sat on my lap, I think to make it up to me, but it makes it hard to sew with those two taking up the lap-space.

(This picture wasn’t taken today. I wasn’t on my bed in my PJs! And they were on reversed sides! But you get the idea!)

So where was I? Oh yeah! I finished my last dolls. The last thing I do is put a dab of color on their cheeks giving them a rosy glow.

I won’t include the tute here. as I shared it on yesterday’s blog. But I think I am done with the dolls for a while. I have to sew some other toys in the next couple of days. This feeling of accomplishment gives my soul a rosy glow that nearly matches my Rosey scratches! 😀