Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “preposition” Start your post with any preposition. Bonus points if you end with one too. Enjoy! Thanks, Linda!

“For the last time!” He shouted. “I am not the enemy!”

But she didn’t believe it. He killed the man she loved. He had kept her from doing the things her heart tried to accomplish. He said he was doing it for her own good. That he loved her, trying to protect her. Love only works when it is using free-will. No one can force love. Protection isn’t always love. It is often a way to keep one in a cage.

Kept under the floor protected Octavia. Bellamy took care of his sister until he didn’t and that was when their mother was put to space to die for the sin of having more than one child.

On Earth, Octavia becomes a ninja for revenge. Still, Bellamy shouts, “Get inside!”


We are on season 4 of The 100. We are all loving this show! Yesterday I shared the season 1 trailer. Here is the Season 2 trailer.