Well, half a pair of ankle socks. I had leftover yarn from the last pair and I hope there is enough to make these shorter ones. They were toe-up. They started with the Kitchener cast-on. A good tutorial is found here:

Here’s my sock:

It fits and I am quite happy with how it feels. If I don’t have enough yarn when I reach the heel I will try to find something similar for that part. These are not supposed to shoe over the shoe, so…  Here’s what has been done since the completion of the above:

I love toe-up Kitchener because there is no seam on the toe. With fibromyalgia, every seam or tag causes pain so these are so soft and pain-free for me. Yay!

Oh, by the way, that is a CinDWood fine-gauge, 56 peg loom. I think it is my favorite sock loom.