Lost RosesLost Roses by Martha Hall Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was lucky to read this ARC from NetGalley. It was an engaging read.

Enjoyable in places, it was hard to read in others. After all, the author tried to give us a bit of a history lesson, while helping the reader to see what it might have been like for the Russians as the Red Party took over and the current royalty was killed or escaped the country.

There seemed to be a bit of repetitive information. As this was my go-to-sleep book, it was okay. It did its job. At least I caught it before the Kindle broke my head as I dropped it. But it wasn’t dull information. And that is a hard call. Sometimes you have to remind the reader about people or moments they may have forgotten chapters ago.

What I most liked is that this is a prequel for a book I read earlier, Lilac Girls. The book follows the family back in time and how they helped the Russian immigrants fleeing the tortures and possible murders of their home country.

I look forward to reading the next book that goes back further into the Civil War.

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