Come Witch or High Water (Witch Detective #2)Come Witch or High Water by Constance Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amazon Kindle, PLEASE! Please back away from pretty book covers and at least put a book number on the front of a book! PLEASE!

I thought I had downloaded the first one first. In the end, at midnight when I usually read, as I open the book so I can listen to the text-to-speech. I can’t track well enough to read real books. But still, would a book number hurt you, especially for the TTS folks!

I have to admit, I often felt I missed something. Things were referred to. I felt in the dark as to what the author was talking about. But I thought maybe there was a series before this on that the characters were alluding to.

It still was a fun little book, in spite of getting it in the wrong order. I will now have to read it again after I read book 1 properly. At least I know it won’t be awful and I can read it on triple speed just to find the bits I didn’t get during this read. It is short and I think others will love this series. Oh, and I picked up books 1 &2 on Kindle Unlimited.

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