I planned to be a part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday but I was so busy I nearly forgot to blog yesterday. I have four pairs of socks on looms, two hats on the round looms and a matt of plarn.


Normally, that doesn’t keep me so busy I can’t blog. But THIS had my attention all day.


My son and I loved it, all of it! But my husband found it boring. Isn’t that weird how different we see things? I could not remember what stitch I was supposed to be doing I was so glued to the show. Maybe you will like it.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the Hat Huggers meeting. Knowing that I realized I had some yarn I promised to get set up for folks who don’t have the umbrella and cake winder to make balls of yarn from yank-skeins or frogged items that are donated. So besides the knitting projects, I got out the equipment to wind up a few cakes.

I started in earnest with:

I got a couple big cakes from this white yarn. It is crochet yarn. I know it can be used to make doilies but not sure about things like hats or any other comfort items.

Then I found this maroonish wool yank. It is in the middle of the next picture.

I knew it would make socks. But it seems rather old and broke often. With both of these yarns, there were so many problems getting them to flow properly. The white had stains. I know whoever ends up with it will have to wash their complete project using some kind of bleach. The maroon was so breakable I just tied the bigger balls that resulted between breaks. I decided I will keep it to practice sock knitting on needles. I’ve been instructed to toss very bad yarn rather than attempt to make something of it. But I think I can reuse this skein one more time before trashing.

Someone donated a lot of mohair and the body of a sweater they had attempted. I wish I were a more advanced knitter so that I could finish their sweater. But with no pattern to follow or even the other needle, I figured frogging would be necessary.

So during Godzilla:

It was good to see Eleven from Stranger Things! But I didn’t like it so much. Did you? I found it too loud.


And then the Oscars, I made this kind of mess to cake before bed.

It made me think of Hair Love that we saw this morning on Sunday Morning. I loved this sweet film!

Anyway,  I better get busy. Catch ya on the flip-side!