Julianne's Wish (Magically Ever After Series Book 1)Julianne’s Wish by Marie Navarro
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was lucky to get the sign paperback version of this book. I have loved the author’s other young adult fae stories. And I can say that now, having finished this book, I like it an look forward to what will happen in the series.

BUT that is not how I felt as I read it. At first, I only had the paperback. I had to use a magnifying piece of plastic to read it. The font was too small for my eyes. I finally ordered the Kindle version so I could listen to the text-to-speech.

That wasn’t the only problem I had with the book. Oh, sure, it was written well. Like I said I love Marie’s writing. And had this been written 20 years ago, not only would I be open to the amount of erotica and romance that plays around within the story, the ‘Me, too’ movement hadn’t been as strong. Though not triggery to me, there were parts that others might have a problem with.

Had this not been the product of a person I like and whose previous books I liked, I might have put the book away. But that is where I was lucky. I knew there would be something to make this story take off. Sure enough toward the end, I found that nugget. Yes! Now I cared about the characters and why they were the way they were.

Let that be the lesson you learn here. Take your time. Read it all. I think in the end you will be happy you did. Some adventures are difficult. But isn’t that what makes the adventure? Not only can you not judge a book by the covers, don’t judge the characters in the book by their strange actions. Guess that could be applied to people we meet in real life. Not everyone is exciting or understandable.

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