Imagine this conversation.

Kali: Do we get to walk today?

Me: No, it’s too windy.

Kali: (insert cuss words here)

So I tried to show her how the shrubs were blown flat in places and stuff was flying and you couldn’t see but maybe ten miles for the dust.

Suddenly I hear ‘A wee mo whap, a wee mo whap, In the Jungle…’

In the sun but protected by the sagebrush, the owner of the property (here before we moved here). We think she is a female, just in case we ever get the chance to see for sure, she is either Jasmine or he is Jasper.


That’s the best picture of her so far. She looks like our indoor cat, Teddy.

Who has run away from home and found outside was a horrid place. Now he spends his days on my bed, purely serene in the warmth and comfort. He loves that I put on the old pink blanket to protect my bed as he thinks it is just his special place.