Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ect.” Find a word with the letters “ect” in it, and base your post on that word. (Not to be confused with “et cetera,” which is “etc.”) Enjoy!

Perfect! The object of this blog prompt is words that have ‘ect’ in them. And me with a bit of dyslexia have to sort the words that seem to imply “and so on”. Meanwhile the subject on my mind is how Chrome keeps slowing the whole job down. I might type one word but then it all hangs up with “Chrome is not responding.”

No sense in worrying about it. I pick up my knitting and wait. Then I get distracted by Doc Martin. Appendectory here, expectorant there. How about an injection? I’ll never get this blog done. But the affects of computer problems is my own irritation. The effectiveness of getting the writing done, null.

Well, then, if nothing is going to happen here, I guess I’ll go get my yarn connection. The affection I have for soft yarn is purrfect! Oh, that was Teddy putting in his interjection.