There is still a lot of snow on the ground. Flurries and rain made me wonder how the Carpenter’s song would go if they could sing it today. The snow was melting at one point. While enjoying a video chat with friends I took this one through the front picture window.

A few minutes ago I heard something hitting the window. I didn’t know if it was rain or snow. I went to the storm door and saw drops on the window. I reached out to touch the droplets. They were frozen. It makes the window look like bathroom glass. Kind of cool. We are expecting about four inches of snow tonight. Makes me want to pull out the Christmas lights and start singing carols!

So what am I making? More socks! I am nearly finished with my daughter’s first sock. I just need to bind off. I’ll probably do that tomorrow. It’s the one on the right. The other one is at the point of the heel. The hardest part of the sock is the ribbing. I am doing this part with four purls, four true-knit stitches. The rest of the sock is the flat knit-stitch.

As you can see I am making these on the KB His and Hers looms. I now have two sets of the same size so I can keep the pair of sock as close to the same size as possible.

And here are the boyfriend’s socks started on the His looms. I am going to take the stitches off the bigger purple loom, upper left, and put them on the empty smaller one. These two looms have the same amount of pegs. I like the smaller set better as they are more comfortable for my hands.


Oh, I worked on the soft hat, too.

This may be close to being done.

I have other projects but my hands seem most attracted to these WIPs.