I know it’s Friday because of Grey’s Anatomy last night and garbage collection today.



And Fridays my friends and I get on FaceBook IM and talk face-to-face. We have been doing that for quite a while now. Our talks go on for hours. Most of the time the only reason they end is one or all of us need to hit the necessary room. LOL! But sometimes I’ll leave Kali or husband to chat with them so I can find relief and come back and chat some more.


While we chat we knit or crochet, or talk with one of the friend’s daughter and granddaughter. Today, we got to see the baby grandson. What a cutie! Usually, we see them wander into my friend’s room as they drop off or pick up said granddaughter. Now we saw them on the phone. It made me cry that they had to stay apart. My friend and her granddaughter have created a beautiful relationship. But the hugs and relationship have to be apart. Breaks my heart.

Granted in previous plagues there was no internet or even phones. That had to be heartbreaking. Especially for those that lived alone wondering what was happening to the people they love.


Many have adapted the three-degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon is now played with how close are you to one affected with the virus. I have two degrees twice. I don’t know the people but the people who love or know the affected.

But the degree of separation may be even closer as the roommate of my friend had been in contact with one who later tested positive. They are doing their best not to be in the same room or keep the mutual surfaces clean. But I must admit to being SO worried!

Neither of my friends have great immune systems. One had a heart attack recently and has rheumatoid arthritis, the other a survivor of cervical cancer. I worry. I don’t want to. I try to tell myself that should we actually know that we only have a couple weeks to live I wouldn’t want to spend it worrying about the end but live life as full as we can under the circumstances. But it is a reality we all must face. The funny thing is, things could have happened to us at any time during our lives to kill us. Aren’t we blessed to have lived through the love and beauty and excitement we’ve had our whole lives? Every moment is a gift!

The facts change from day to day. At first, we were only worried about those of us that are older, but now we are seeing all ages getting it. Staying in and doing the best we can to stay healthy is what most of the people I know are doing. My daughter has been working at home for a while now. Hunkering down is same/same for her. I worry for her and her man, but not as much as her siblings. Two of my sons are still working. One in a high demand job that has him going crazy. There is little downtime. I worry about these two sons, and their friends and significant others.

Again, there is nothing I can do besides stay in touch and say prayers. The control we thought we had in life isn’t ours to hold.

There are so many friends and family out there that I have shared good times and lots of love. May we all come out of this healthier with better systems in place to handle it all with grace and peace.

Love and health to all of you!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for this chance to communicate with our blogging community about our new normal. #WDIIA