


I thought I would have an excellent report on how many words I got done today. But alas and yahoo, it was a chat day. So the first thing I want to say is how I loved talking for a long time with my daughter today. I actually had to get off that phone call to start a Zoom session with my friends. It has become our Friday thing. And there is my #WDIIA indication. So I was chatting constantly for over 7 hours of love! Who could as for more? It is always a wonderful thing to talk with loved ones.

I certainly don’t feel guilty for not catching up with the wordage I needed today. Which is supposed to be 5,001. My total so far today is 2,132. My intentions were strong. The first scene I started writing I titled: Curiouser and Curiouser. I knew where I was heading with that part of the story. Still do.  And that is all I’m giving as it is time to go work on my CampNaNo Chapter 1 Scene 6. I/ve titled Pandemapolypse. There are only a few more minutes to get a few more words to the story before midnight. More, tomorrow. How was your day?