It is 10 PM and I still have to finish 2,000 words for #CampNaNo and blog my #A-Z/#WDIIA. Okay, I will have to do this fast. At least I finished most of my languages on Duolingo. Well, I did German and Español. But not français or Esperanto. I usually spend a good half hour on the languages.

What Day Is It  Anyway? Well, we started the day with Sunday Morning and then an e-service on Zoom. So looking at the lower corner of my computer informs me that it is the fifth of April. How confusing has your day been? Sometimes the people in your house seem like enemies instead of loved ones. Then we realize we are all scared and the one thing we don’t want is to lose these people. I would guess the tighter the budget right now the harder it is to keep it together.

So that leads me to the 50,000-word challenge of CampNaNo. So up until now, I have amassed 4,735 words. I should be at 8,335. So if you will

I better get over to yWriter and write. I’ll try to give a bit of a summary tomorrow. My fingers and imagination need to fly! Ah, but that is a letter for tomorrow!


I hope you are doing well, staying safe and figuring out how to get along in all of this epidemic.