What Day Is It Anyway?


Don’t Know!


BUT I am finally caught up on my CampNaNo wordage! Well, I was at midnight. Oh, the quandary that was. At fifteen minutes to midnight, I needed to make sure I got a blog in so I wouldn’t lose my daily streak. I am now at 147 days that WordPress has kept track of before midnight posts I know in my heart that I have blogged daily for nearly a year, but just once if you miss and blog a minute after midnight, it starts counting from zero again. I’ve done better with Duolingo. I am on day 259. Duo does the same thing. Do it a minute after midnight, and the count starts back at zero.

So it dawned on me that all I needed to do was reblog something fast and then come back when I finished writing on my CampNaNo project. So I reblogged Linda G. Hill’s latest blog figuring if someone wanted to do the fun blog prompts she gives us. It would be a perfect place to start. Jake is your uncle, I am caught up on all counts! Today I needed 16,670 words to be right on track if I write 1,667 every day until the 30th to have 50,000 words in my novel, Pandemapocalypse. I keep rearranging the title as I have a hard time remembering it. But I think that is the right one. Anyway, the count for today-well before midnight was 16,711. Woo Hoo! The sad thing is that gene-popping dragons can catch the virus. And the virus may actually be an alien. Who knows? My characters need to figure it out. I’m just along for the ride. Well, typing.

So what day is it anyway? It is hard to tell after midnight. I haven’t gone to bed yet, so it is still Friday. That’s my opinion. Not the clock’s. I know it is Friday because and this is another stumbled, it was trash day, but at almost noon my brother realized it didn’t go out. I hadn’t thought of it, nobody in the house had thought of it. But we took our chances and rolled it out. The pick-up guys usually come at around 10:30, but last week they were later. Whew! They were late again, and our trash went away. And then it was friends’ time to Skype? Well, our first time trying Skype in forever and found it froze on my end, and the picture was fuzzy. So we went back to Zoom. That seems a better way. At least we don’t find what we talked about being advertised on our FaceBook page the next day. And only just now did I realize I didn’t make a call I promised. And last Saturday, I promised someone I would set up a time to chat, and not until the middle of last night did I realize I never called them back. Geez. I must be brain-dead! I hope these people understand that time/day wackoness is the problem and not my lack of love for them.

Okay, can I consider myself done and go to bed, please?