Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “joint.” Use it as a noun, an adjective, or a verb–use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

When I saw the prompt, Joint. I started singing a song I relate to old cartoons. But I couldn’t remember the words except “This joint is jumpin'” Googled and found this YouTube. I’m sure older people or kids who were more aware of their parents’ music remember this song.


Isn’t it a bit weird that we are so far from the freedom of that song? Well, sometimes as we try to make the best of the moment, we dance as if no one is watching. Many have taken up the occasional joint. Can you believe I am a child of the 60s and never had a joint? I do like my CBD though and since all this happened we haven’t been able to go to the city and our little green-cross shop to get the stuff. It does help with a more painless sleep at night. You know, all that pain in the joints.

Though I am caught up on my CampNaNo, well I was last night and I have written half of today’s words. But still, today has me asking What Day Is It Anyway? Because there is just so much going on while the joint is jumping and nothing is the best part of it. When nothing happened, it means we are still healthy and happy. Just knowing that makes you feel like jumping. Singing with joy. Just saying. So back to my writing so it isn’t midnight when I finish. I’ll catch you up on the word-count tomorrow.