Shave and a haircut–Eugene!

That’s the One-liner for Wednesday and “S” for A2Z challenge that easily answers ‘What Day Is It Anyway?’. Bam! Take that!

SO, here is what I promised yesterday. This long hair has very few good days as it gets in my eyes and tickles my ears like bugs crawling on me. Here is the fairly good before. See? Combed back with my head tilted back not a problem. But who can run around like this?

Yeah, I don’t know how to do a selfie. I do have eyes that open!

Series of excuses for everything in no particular order:

Over Seventy

Have to wear glasses (not good for self-haircuts)

fibro/arthritis that lowers my energy to do anything

It’s raining

Bad mirror system

Razor in razorcomb dull on the longer side and not quite sharp enough on shorter side

Found out that ambidextrous doesn’t play well with baseball, crochet, or haircutting. Especially with the CombPal Scissor Clipper.

Sorry. I figured folks who don’t care would have quit reading by now. Oh, one final excuse. Flowbee doesn’t work and company following COVID19 suggestions so I can’t get the replacement part I need which I applaud, yet it saddens me.

Since the above didn’t work for me and I tried the method that I used on my babies. Finger-comb cut which makes everything about an inch long (fatter fingers longer skinny fingers shorter)

But lack o’ glasses caused this sore bit that caused me to quit, for now, fingers didn’t need to be cut. Just saying.

The sides and top turned out okay. I can’t see the back and I’m not finished so nicer front view first:

Now the reason for Eugene in the one-liner. It seems I now have the Eugene Top-Hat from The Walking Dead.

But I’m not stuck with it. My wonderful spouse says he will do the back for me, YAY!

So how is your pandemic going?

P.S. Wordage count for CampNaNo is 27,509. But I am still working on it.