This is what I’ve been spending most of my day on:

Oh, and when my brain didn’t work I started these:

Both for charity.

When sitting got too much and it was gorgeous outside, Kali and I took a zoomie walk/run around the property. She’d run ahead and hide and jump out with what looked like puppy-laughs and I walk-ran to keep up with her to find her. It was so much fun. I doubt I hit a thousand steps, but it was more than I would have had in the bad temps of last week. I hope we get better at this so I can improve and lengthen our walks.

This What Day Is It Anyway I think is Tuesday. Cinco de Mayo/Taco Tuesday was plastered all over FaceBook. But I don’t spend a lot of time over there. So in my day, I lost the day many times. I took a fibro-flare seriously over the weekend and all day Monday. So I missed my writers’ group. The reason is that the pain was too much to keep my brain working. I had even started my prompt a few times. I knew where I was headed with it. But then I couldn’t hold my laptop without it hurting. I hate fibro for its way of deceiving me. I’m not sure about whether or not it isn’t the flu or covid or… It is only when it gives up that I know it was a flare. It was worse when I was working. I couldn’t tell, how do you call your boss and say, I don’t know if I can work today. It feels only tired, hard to wake up. It is only when it hurts so bad that I know I can’t be at work. It is only the aftermath of one step too far that lets me know. Remember exercise that you do 10 steps today, and increase to 20 tomorrow? I used to be able to make big increases and improve lots every day. No way can I do that now. 10 today 4 tomorrow, zeros and back to 10. If not flare. It is hard to know when it is too much. I always feel like such the ‘Fairweather friend’ in that suddenly I’m not there where I wish I were. If it were just pain, I could do it. But suddenly there are no words. Then the next day you wonder if that were true. Did it really hurt that much? And how long was I out? Well, shoot! I missed a weekend and Monday. So here is Tuesday.