Wow! When did it become Tuesday?


While knitting lots, today, the sky looked like this:

No. Not my photo but

There were winds and lots of tiny hail and rain that made a lot of noise. It looked like we’d have a huge lightning storm but we only heard the thunder once. But, darn it, it is still cold. I know I will be complaining in a few days about 110 degrees heat. But it is May and I would appreciate 80 okay?

I guess I could catch up on my binges. I finally finished Grey’s Anatomy over the weekend.


Then I talked to my daughter who reminded me that I needed to catch up on This is Us.

I’m sad because even though I love those two shows, being done leaves me flopping around with that no friends to watch zone. Oh during that time my son and I found Little Monsters. We laughed and so enjoyed it. I know. Zombies. But it was more about how a kindergarten teacher saves the kids and a very messed up band member. I may have to watch it again soon. It made me happy.

Even though the weather is making me hurt, including my hands, I want to get back to finding something to watch while knitting. Those socks don’t knit themselves!
