A Day In The Life

Country Style

When we moved into this mobile in the country we knew that there were sacrifices in lifestyle we’d have to make. We’re still getting used to it. In the first year, we only had heating in our bedrooms so we spent the winter there. I was closest to the bedroom door. These guys:

Rosey (sorry, I never seem to get a good picture of this shiny beautiful black cat.)

and Teddy,

had me opening and shutting the bedroom door all night long. Not only did I lose a lot of sleep, but it chilled the room.

One day, kind hubby made a pet door so I didn’t have to do that anymore. The room stayed warm and the cats could come and go as they needed.

Rosey is a sweety. She likes to share with her humans. In the middle of the night, she will bring in socks or other presents.  Here are some of the gifts:

The Snoopy and the Phantom were gifts from a very good friend. I tried to keep them on the piano but Rosey thought we’d needed them in the bed with us.

Teddy is a sweety and lays on our shoulders and purrs. It helps me. It hurts my husband. Teddy switches between us all night.

Oh, the Ninja Turtles? They came with Kali. She never plays with them. But Rosey knows we need them. They are nearly as big as she is. It is difficult for her to get through the pet door with them. But she manages to yell in kitty meows about what she is bringing from the livingroom. She has brought us big hiking boots, even my rainboots. I don’t know how she does it!

Anyway, last night or rather ‘at stupid o’clock’ as my friend Willow21 calls it, this time it was about 5AM, we hear the meowing and thumping that let us know we were in for a present. But there was a jingle sound that didn’t sound like her tags. I got out my phone to put a flashlight on the situation. There she was flopping something that looked like this around.




Yeah, not my picture because the phone was the light.

Most of the years we have lived here there have been mice. But not many and things were generally okay. This year before COVID19 we were inundated. So we were already fighting Hantavirus. We’ve, well, my brother mostly, set traps all around. We had been catching two or three a day. It had calmed down a lot lately, so a mouse wasn’t what I expected.

I hate killing them. They are so cute. One day, a few years ago, I went into the bedroom and saw one like this on my made bed.


Except that the one on my bed was more cinnamon with white on his/her belly and feet. It had its hands folded together in prayer form like it was pleading for its life. My heart was broken. I wanted to pick it up and pet it. I wanted to sit and draw it so puffy and soft. But I remembered Hanta and called my brother to see what he could do about it. He didn’t have the heart to kill it either. He scooped it up with a kerchief and set it free outside. We didn’t have the rooster yet. Nowadays the poor thing would be eaten. We have tried the live traps hoping not to kill them. But I think, no matter how far away from the house we set them free, they call their friends and tell them about the big house full of free meals. Yeah, they didn’t read the contract. Sometimes I’m tempted to put them in cages to tame them and hold them. But we barely have enough money to feed ourselves and the three furry friends. I don’t need to start a colony of more pets. So the quandary stands. The only choice is to trap them then feed the chickens.

So this was Sunday, yeah the usual Zoom church and CBS Sunday Morning defined it for me, even though it’s been a long, long day since rooster crow time. Let’s hope tomorrow is kinder to all of us furry or not.

What Day Is It Anyway? is another blog prompt by Linda G. Hill in her words:

Why I’m writing this post:

Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress and all over the Internet as well, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

I want everyone to know that you can start discussions with each other in the comments, and if you’d like to write your own “What Day is it Anyway?” post, you can link to this one. Hashtag #WDIIA.

Let’s keep in touch!